The Hair Color That Will Best Suit Your Skin Tone
The Hair Color That Will Best Suit Your Skin Tone
Hi Beautiful! Here is a guide to picking the perfect hair color for yourself.
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Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa
Don’t Forget To Live Your Extra Life.
Sounds like he’s not into cool toned skin

Selena should choose a different hairstyle for that one picture. Round face + big hair = big, big, face.
i’m cool… i’ve been red, black and blue, hair.. i love all of those colors.
Brad you are awesome! I’m 49 but young at heart and love playing around with colors ..but this cleared up what would look better on me
*Proceeds to look at wrist, sees slit marks*
I’m neutral
. Kind of neutral I guess…
Silver rings
Blue and green veins
Strange yellow-ash face
looks like my natural hair doesn’t match my skin
This video felt like eternity
oval neutral over here
I don’t wanna change my hair,I wanna draw but idk anything about color matching, so here I am, learning.
brad what i think is you totally are neutral
nice tan = warm, look like a lobster = cool skin, but what does it mean if you birn first and that burn turns into a tan? is that neutral?
Everyone: trying to out if they’re whether cool, warm or neutral
Me: confused and came to the conclusion that I’m a *ToAsT*
At any questions to know if we are cool or tone i am in between lmao so neutral
What hair color will best suit your skin??
My veins are green, blue, and purple
I want to shave… That makes me happy
Him: Are you cool, warm or neutral?
Me: do you mean my face or my chest or hands or shoulders or my feet or legs or my back?
My goals for summer 2021:
•Lose the 12 pounds I gained after my weight loss journey
•Get a little bit curvier with workouts
•Get better clothes
•New hair
i burn loolll
Me and my black eyes rn

not at me rewatching this cuz I wanna dye my hair and I forgot what I got T=T
Warm warm warm warm warm
With all the tests I am warm toned, except for the vein and eye test. That’s where I’m respectively neutral and cool
When your skin tone drastically changes every time
i got cool but i suit warm colours more?
Damn I am the definition of cool lol
All the celebrities have make up on how can we know their original skin tone and they are also using blush so ….
I’ve got warm skin
gray hair
And silver jewelry wtf :/
Quarantine made me not cutting my hair for almost a year – tomorrow I will get a cut and dye it dark blue with my friend
Brad: look at your skin
Me: cries in hormones
I’m pale asf
Girl I have blue, purple and green veins
You need to do a colab with James Charles – you do his hair and he does your makeup.
my natural hair color is ashbrown with a red undertone… i’m confused
me "w olive undertone": baby I’m not even here ima halLOucInaTION
I still don’t know what my undertone is.I’m a ginger ,my veins look both blue and green. I look better when i use foundation for cool skin tones but at the same time i look better when i wear gold jewelry and warm toned colored chlothes

bro can skin tone change? i use to be warm and now I’m cool-.
No dark skin tones
cool cool warm cool
Actualy my hand is look cool and just my face is look warm what should i do
Sooo helpful, thank you Brad

I can’t choose if I’m neutral or cool. I really want to go blonde but I don’t know if it will look good
I have olive skin tone,..gray eyes, vanes, silver is wat i where. Yellow makes me look sick, I want to do wild color to my hair and my hair is naturally dirty blonde…
I’m not sure where I sit in the warm cool neutral?…suggestions? I was thinking of doing a purple and blue 2 tone not bright
I’m confused… so if idk what I am but my veins are green and then the viens in my hands have purple and a lil bit of blue I’m neutral. But I was born with a dark brown hair color and in the sun you can see a red tint. Idk what I am
or I’m maybe neutral warm
So I have a question can a person of color have a cool skin tone because I personally think gold always looks good on deeper skin tones and in the video all the cool tones you have shown are on more fair skin
Is he gay?
Biggest tell that I have warm toned skin is when I bruise I bruise GREEN
Me as a man am curious as well