Barbershop VS Salon | Who Gives A Better Haircut?
Barbershop VS Salon | Who Gives A Better Haircut?
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Wow @ 2:27 that fade is proper!
You move your hands a lots, it looks so stupid
I like more the haircut from barbershot,only it depends of the person you go to
Take some photos of a person with a good hairstyle from internet to show him
And avoid letting the barber always cut the front hair, do it only one of four visits or once every three four months
Its hard in high school to dress like an absolute baller cause no one dresses like that
If you want trendy or modern haircuts go to high end barbershop,If you want classic hairstyles and luxury go to high end salon.
Lol this video is funny. The salon man is gay.
I prefer saloon and never been to a barber shop in my life
What about pete and pedro @ alpha m
Here in my state barbers have more training than cosmetologists and most barber shops in my area are transitioning from the old style Floyd’s barbershop from Andy Griffith show to something high-end.
Po made
My barber charges 8$ usd and are very talented
but you’d be blessed af if u find a Barber who is tremendously skilled in both areas! Knows how to use the clippers to make a crisp and keen fade/line up AND knows how to layer, good with the scissors, and can cut long hair!
Barbers are way better
Salon fits for me
So it’s pretty much straight or gay
If u want a straight razor line up then its a barber….unless like me your stylist has her barber’s license also!!
Stop yelling so loud you’re peaking the mic
ad ends at 4:31, thank me later
I’m a barber that works in a salon and I can agree with most of this.
Are you guys looking for affiliates out of the States?
This dude started getting alot of hate because of the previous video, so he made this one to cover his ass lol
What do you recommend for a dude with long hair
Barbershop or salon
Nice way to hide an advertisement in a video dumbass!!
A guy in salon his own hair look unprofessional
I pay 1dollar for a cut and it’s better than the salon
I go to a high end barbershop where they have degrees and all, but still have the style and the homy feel of a barbershop
I beg to disagree if you got brotherhood in the barbershop in the salon you got both brotherhood,sisterhood,friends,and family
The salon i go to gave me a lame bad haircut so i still went to barbershop.. Maybe i just got a bad guy at the salon.. Barbershop had always been good
Hudson and mane don’t look like it’s for black people what is a paste"
Ad ends at 4:32

It only cost 1 like.
I hate barbers, every barber I met is a massive douche
Porque no sacas estos vídeos en español :c ):
I go to a $30 salon and they wash my hair and everything so its basically not worth going to the $150 salon if you get the almost same experience by just going to a $30 salon.
I just cut my own hair
It depends on what type of hair you have
Where’s your barber located ! And any suggestions for a good place to get a cut in Orlando ? Moved to Florida and I truly miss my barber from PR.. knows how to use a scissor .. and the fade on point .. more of a stylist .. not just a barber that would give you a fade and would just snip your hair gone .. any recommendations let me know
This guy makes a video about a haircut. Doesnt get one himself

Edit: i knew this guy was gonna advertise some BS product

thumbs down definitely
Hace este vídeo en español :v
In my country, haircut cost 0.86$
Ad ends at 4:33
Hunts and mains is trash with no quality
Barbers cuz they actually cut your fucking hair
Difference from my barber from PR Is that he’s always in seminars .. not using gel.. always using elegance products, and going to there seminars.. looking for a barbershop with the talents and stylist like ig: arod23pr ig: barberobengie ig:elboribarber if anyone knows a place that can give haircuts like them in Orlando please let me know ASAP
How can a haircut be "urban"
Your shirts are too tight. Looks like you just started working out and are wearing old clothes
google told me salon is for longer hairs styles. barbers for shorter cuts. i wasnt convinced thus i am here
I had buzz cut like Jose all time but before 4 months i started growing my hair and i go to Barbershop that people are very tallented,they have many awards.They wash your hair,blowdry it and apply good products.
Also many famous persons go to that barbershop.
It cost 5$
My face is weird so i always go to a salon for my hair but to each there own.
I am attending barber college at Bates Technical College in Tacoma, WA. I would match my work against most of the haircuts that I see coming out of many salons.
I go to a luxury barbershop where they give you a good cut and a good advice but also the barbershop experience.